30 novembre 2012

Eclairage 2supports+2 flash+2softboxes50x70+1réf

Eclairage 2supports+2 flash+2softboxes50x70+1réf Ensemble complet d'éclairage studio pro 2 supports + 2 flash + 2 softboxes 50 x 70 cm + 2 réflecteur 2 en 1

Ensemble de studio complet : 2 supports + 2 flash + 2 softboxes 50 x 70 cm + 2 réflecteurs 2 en 1.

Nos lampes offrent un flux lumineux de haute intensité, elles sont rapidement prêtes pour le déclenchement suivant et bénéficient d'une longue durée de vie.

Les softboxes adoucissent la lumière de l'image, les ombres sont ainsi moins prononcées et plus subtiles.

Le flash de studio est adapté à la photographie numérique et argentique. Les ajustements peuvent être faits facilement via le panneau arrière. Le changement du flash de sortie est progressif et non-graduel. Le flash peut être utilisé comme lumière principale ou secondaire. Le flash peut être déclenché aavec le bouton test, par le cordon de synchro-flash ou bien déclenché par la cellule photoélectrique sur le haut du boîtier. La cellule photoélectrique réagit au flash de l'appareil, à d'autres flashs clignote (power trip) et à la manette du flash. Le temps de recharge après déclanchement est de 0,5 - 2 secondes (pour une charge complète).

Ce flash de studio est un flash à commande simplifiée, il convient aussi bien aux photographes professionnels qu'aux débutants. Les réglages peuvent être faits facilement via l'interface se situant à l'arrière du produit. Il se déclenche via le bouton de test, grâce au cordon de synchronisation et par une touche sur le boîtier directement. De plus, changer sa puissance est devenu très facile et il peut être utilisé aussi bien en éclairage principal qu'en éclairage latéral.

Le réflecteur vous permettra de renvoyer la lumière du flash ou du soleil, de manière précise et simple sans modifier les couleurs réelles.

Les trépieds ont des attaches filetées universelles (0,25 pouce) appropriées pour tous les appareils analogiques et numériques. Ils peuvent alors également être utilisés en tant que support de lampe ou d'appareil photo.

Caractéristiques techniques des trépieds :

En aluminium donc léger et facile à transporter.

Hauteur variable entre 78 cm et 210 cm.

Caractéristiques techniques des lampes :

Puissance du flash: 120 W.

Niveaux de puissance : 1 / 8-1 / 1.

Numéro de guides: 38.

Capteur de photo intégré.

Signal sonore pour la recharge.

Équipé d'une protection thermique automatique.

Temps de charge: 0,5 - 2 secondes.

Angle d'inclinaison réglable.

Lampe 75 W.

Température de couleur : 5500°K (+/-200°K) .

Protection contre les surtensions 5A.

Inclus dans la livraison :

2 x softboxes - 50cm x 70cm parapluie blanc.

2 x flash de studio.

2 x support de lampe.

2 x réflecteur 2 en1.

1 x coupe flux : avec un jeu de 4 filtres/gélatines de couleur + 1 x snoot (ou concentrateur).

1 x cordon de synchronisation de 3 mètres.

2 x cordon d'alimentation de 5 mètres.

1 x sac de transport.

190€ port inclut
SKU: 190067

28 novembre 2012

More ADOT highlights from 2012

ADOT achievements don't just happen on the road.
We’ve spent this week looking back on ADOT’s major projects of 2012, but it’s important to recall the transportation-related achievements that didn’t happen out on the road.

Much was accomplished last year through planning, which is what we’re focusing on today.

I-11 Study
This summer ADOT, in partnership with the Nevada Department of Transportation, launched a two-year study of I-11 and the Intermountain West Corridor. The study will determine if it is feasible to build a new interstate that would connect Phoenix and Las Vegas and potentially extend north to Canada and south to Mexico. I-11 received federal designation under the current surface transportation bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, also known as MAP-21. As part of this federal designation, US 93 is defined as a high-priority corridor for the future I-11.

Passenger Rail Corridor Study
During the past year, ADOT identified six potential rail alternatives and one express bus alternative that could link Phoenix and Tucson and relieve expected congestion along I-10 in the future. This fall, ADOT held its second public comment period to gather input from community members about what they think about passenger rail. Nearly 3,000 people filled out a survey at community events or online. ADOT expects to narrow the list to two or three alternatives in the spring of 2013. A final alternative will likely be announced towards the end of 2013.

Of course, no 2012 wrap-up would be complete without a look at the Motor Vehicle Division and Enforcement and Compliance Division …

Motor Vehicle Division
From a new process designed to increase security for hundreds of thousands of driver license customers to outreach for the homeless population, 2012 marked another busy year for the Motor Vehicle Division. While service to customers receives the most attention, revenue collection is a vital part of MVD responsibilities. This year MVD safely and efficiently accounted for nearly $1 billion in state revenue while conducting in excess of 16 million transactions in person, through the mail and online, an increase of 3 percent from one year ago. In addition to serving the general public, MVD continued to work closely with and improve services for its industry and government partners statewide, including motor carriers, motor vehicle dealers, law enforcement agencies and the courts.

Enforcement and Compliance Division
As a means of improving highway safety throughout Arizona, the Enforcement and Compliance Division has accomplished a number of milestones during 2012. Officers completed 14,137 commercial vehicle inspections that contributed to driver and vehicle safety. Enforcement and Compliance officers also weighed 7,926,224 commercial vehicles to ensure that vehicle weights are at the legal level, reducing deterioration of Arizona’s highway infrastructure. While highway safety is of utmost importance to the Enforcement and Compliance Division officers and customer service representatives, the division also generated $16,324,134 in revenue from the sale of 461,587 permits to the commercial vehicle industry. The division has also worked closely with other state, local and federal law-enforcement agencies to ensure that a broad highway safety program is implemented to secure the safety of the motoring public when traveling around and near commercial vehicles. In addition to enforcement activities, ADOT’s Executive Hearing Office resolved 18,101 cases, a 25 percent increase from last year.

But, wait … there’s more!
There are just a few more items we want to remember before we move on to 2013. These don’t necessarily fit into any category, but they’re significant nonetheless…

Pull Aside, Stay Alive
Prior to the start monsoon season, ADOT, in cooperation with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, the Arizona Department of Public Safety and the National Weather Service, launched a public awareness campaign urging drivers to Pull Aside Stay Alive when they encounter a dust storm. As part of the campaign, ADOT used social media to engage the public and asked people to show off their creativity by submitting short poems about the dangers of dust storms and more than 1,500 haikus were submitted in one week.

Traffic Operations Center Upgrades
In September, ADOT unveiled its new Traffic Operations Center, which underwent a $2.1 million facelift. This high-tech control center, based in Phoenix, underwent a comprehensive refurbishment, including the addition of 40 reconfigurable 55-inch flat-panel displays, providing state-of-the art tools for the 24/7 facility. The upgrades to the center’s communications system allow ADOT staff to keep an eye on traffic conditions around the state and provide options for motorists to avoid congestion.

OK … it was nice to look back, but starting next week we’ll be back to blogging about ADOT’s present and future. Thanks for following along!

27 novembre 2012

Transportation Defined: Pavement Design Life

After 300-plus blog posts, you’d think that by now we’d have covered everything there possibly is to know about pavement...

But you’d be wrong.

Certainly, it’s not from a lack of trying – we’ve blogged about quiet pavement, pavement at airports, pavement materials testing, pavement markers and even the impact weather and climate can have on pavement. Oh, and remember when we explained how our crews are able to make sure pavement is as smooth as it can be (bonus points if you can recall how a profilograph works)?

It’s just that there’s so much to know about pavement (we’re not kidding – there really is) that we haven’t even scratched the surface.

Which brings us to today’s topic: pavement design life.

Pavement design life is a term that engineers use when they’re planning to build a new road or maintain an existing roadway. They’ll also use a number of years to go along with it, for example: 10-year pavement design life, 20-year pavement design life, etc.

The phrase should not be taken to imply that a road is only being built to survive for a set number of years. What it does represent is the road’s age at which some preventative maintenance or reconstruction will be considered so the road can continue to be durable and useful for the traffic it’s serving.

“For a typical highway, we generally will design an asphalt pavement for 20 years,” said ADOT Pavement Design Group Manager Paul Burch. “It does not mean that the road’s going to be falling apart and rubble in 20 years.”

A little more on pavement design…
Burch says that when engineers want to build a road, they take a lot into consideration, including soil condition, location, expected traffic levels and the area’s climate. Once those factors are determined – and the engineers know the pavement design life they want to build for – design begins.

All those conditions play a role in how the pavement is designed. Say, for example, the road’s being built in an area that gets very cold weather. If that’s the case, engineers will adjust the asphalt pavement mix to account for the temperature extremes.

Now, what if there’s a road that was constructed decades ago that’s not serving the traffic levels very well … can it be built up to a 20-year pavement design life?

Of course it can!

“What we would do if we were to inherit a road like that is we’d start by getting soil samples to test so we can determine what the strength of the soil is. Or, we could do Falling Weight Deflectometer testing so we could determine the strength of the existing roadway and the underlying soils through a method called 'Back Calculation.' From there, we would estimate what our traffic level would be and what design life we would want to design for,” said Burch, adding that the next step would be to create a design that takes all those important factors into account.

For more on pavement, check out our previous blog posts. And, stay tuned – we promise there are more pavement posts to come!

Transportation Defined is a series of explanatory blog posts designed to define the things you see on your everyday commute. Let us know if there's something you'd like to see explained ... leave a comment here on the blog or over on our Facebook page!

26 novembre 2012

Portion of Loop 303 project now 60 percent complete

Driven the Loop 303 lately?

If you have, you know things are looking very different than they did about a year ago…

That’s when work got under way on a project designed to transform the two-lane roadway into a modern urban freeway.*

Right now construction on the segment from Peoria Avenue to Mountain View Boulevard is 60 percent complete and crews are getting ready to switch traffic over to the newly completed northbound lanes so work can continue on the southbound lanes – more on that tomorrow.

Today we’re focused on how far the project has come!

It was just April when the project was at the 30 percent mark. Back then, work was wrapping up on the bridges being built at Waddell and Greenway roads.

Now crews are working on the Cactus Road bridge … they’re also working on finishing touches for those northbound lanes – things like curbs and gutters, retaining walls, signage and striping (see photos above).

After the big traffic switch (again, more on that tomorrow!), crews will immediately get started on building the southbound lanes. So, commuters who regularly drive the 303 can expect to see a lot of the work they’ve been seeing for the past year – just on the other side of the freeway.

More on the project
This portion of the Loop 303 Improvement Project is scheduled to wrap up by fall 2013. When complete, this six mile stretch of Loop 303 will include three lanes in each direction with a median, auxiliary lanes and signalized traffic interchanges at Bell, Greenway, Waddell and Cactus Roads.

* Today we’re just talking about a six-mile stretch of the Loop 303 between Mountain View Boulevard and Peoria Avenue. The entire freeway stretches from I-10 in Goodyear to I-17 in Phoenix and a few different projects are under way along the 39-mile span. For a detailed overview of all those projects, click HERE.

23 novembre 2012

Third party vendors offer MVD services

Third Party offices are operated by private individuals
or businesses, authorized and monitored by MVD.
When it comes to conducting business with ADOT’s Motor Vehicle Division, customers have more than one alternative...

Besides visiting an MVD office, there’s also the option of handling transactions online, or through an Authorized Third Party.

What’s an Authorized Third Party, you ask?

Authorized Third Parties (ATPs) provide a convenient option for quickly conducting Motor Vehicle Division business. The companies provide many of the same services as MVD Customer Service Offices, including title and registration transactions. The program is growing, and there are now more than 160 locations statewide.

“Customers get personal attention, usually with little or no wait,” says Third Party Program Manager Robert Smith. “A lot of third parties have extended hours, including evenings, weekends and holidays, and most of them are small businesses, which are key to a healthy economy.”

Smith and his team work closely with the MVD Customer Service program to determine where the needs are the greatest and how ATPs can help.

Despite the difficult economy, the number of ATPs has increased and during Fiscal Year 2012 the businesses conducted a combined 4.1 million transactions.

For their services, Arizona law allows the ATPs the allowance of a small retention fee for some transactions. ATPs are also permitted to assess convenience charges in addition to the standard MVD fees that customers pay in the field offices and online.

“The convenience charges vary and they’re entirely up to the individual businesses,” Smith says. “People are paying for priority treatment.”

MVD monitors the performance of ATP offices to ensure among other things, transactions are carried out properly and timely fund transfers are made to MVD. There is a potential for sanctions if a company doesn’t meet the required standards.

ATPs are actively seeking new customers and are anxious to provide additional services. A list of Authorized Third Parties with locations and hours of operation is available at www.azmvdservices.com.

22 novembre 2012

MGE UPS Systems Multiprise Parafoudre

MGE UPS Systems Multiprise Parafoudre MGE UPS Systems Multiprise Parafoudre - 8 prises + Téléphonie/xDSL + Vidéo - Protection Box 8 Tel@+TV

!! Le module parafoudre est à remplacer !!

Protection Box 8 Tel@+TV - Parafoudre 8 prises + Téléphonie/xDSL + TV
Protection totale de 30 000 A 3 x MOV 10 000A - Temps de réponse à 1 ns - Dissipation totale d'énergie 1110 Joules - Protection de la ligne téléphonique RJ11/RJ45 y compris xDSL 10 000A - Protection Ligne Audio/Vidéo 10 000A - Compatible CPL

Présentation - Multiprise Parafoudre - 8 prises + Téléphonie/xDSL + Vidéo - Protection Box 8 Tel@+TV
La protection économique et performante des équipements sensibles et coûteux

La gamme de multiprises parafoudre Protection Box est une solution simple et économique pour protéger les équipements sensibles comme :
• Informatique et périphériques associés, Media Center
• Equipements TV/ Vidéo / Hi-Fi : TV, ensemble Home cinéma, graveurs DVD, décodeurs numériques…
• Modem Internet xDSL /TV xDSL
• Téléphonie
• Electroménager…

Un véritable parafoudre

Protection Box est destinée à filtrer l'alimentation des équipements connectés pour les protéger contre les surtensions, les parasites et les effets indirects de la foudre.
Protection Box bénéficie d'un niveau de performance élevé et d'un schéma de protection sophistiqué, ce qui en fait un véritable parafoudre répondant aux exigences de la norme parafoudre IEC 61 643-1.

Une protection complète

Cette Protection Box est un modèle 8 prises. Ce modèle propose une protection additionnelle pour les lignesde données, susceptibles de véhiculer des surtensions vers les équipements.
• Modèles Tel@+TV : avec protection de ligne Tel/Internet, y compris xDSL + ligne antenne grâce au module de protection Audio/Vidéo (Compatible Coax TV BNC et Satellite F-Type)

Pratique et économique : Module parafoudre remplaçable !

Les composants de protection-surtensions sont regroupés au sein d'un module remplaçable garantissant ainsi :
• un remplaçement facile en cas de choc de foudre destructif (pas de besoin de débrancher, échange standard par MGE)
• une évolutivité dans le temps (ajout de fonctions, changement de connectique…)

Avec en plus une assurance gratuite...

MGE offre une garantie des équipements connectés (applicables aux pays de l'UE + Norvège). Cette garantie incluse gratuitement avec l'achat de Protection Box assure la prise en charge par MGE UPS SYSTEMS (jusqu'à 50 000 euros) d'un éventuel dégât causé au matériel connecté du fait d'une défaillance de la protection surtension !

Et de nombreuses astuces qui simplifient la vie !
• Indicateurs de présence tension et protection active.
• Attache-câbles et marque-câbles fournis.
• Une disposition astucieuse des prises pour permettre la juxtaposition des blocs d'alimentation.
• Protection enfant par obturateur.

Skiva PowerFlow QuadFire (4 Amps / 20Watt / Fastest Speed) Four Port USB Wall/Travel/AC Rapid Charger for iPhone 5 4 4s 3, iPad 3 2 1, iPod, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Android Smartphones and Other USB Devices (Universal Compatibility)

  • Powerflow Quadfire Four Port USB charger charges your iPhone, iPad, HTC phones, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Samsung Galaxy Phone, Samsung Galaxy Note, Blackberry, MP3 players, Digital Camera, & other USB devices
  • Highest Power rating at 20W / 4 Amps output at 5V. At least twice the power of any other four port charger available in market. Resulting in fast charging of your devices.
  • Intelligent overheat, overcharging and over-current protection built-in.
  • Only charger that can charge four tablets simultaneously.
  • Compact Design and Flip Down AC Prongs make it easy to carry on travel.

List Price: $49.99
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Related Products

Product Description
Skiva Powerflow Quadfire is Fastest USB charger in the market with
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power hungry tablets, phones and other USB devices (GPS, bluetooth
headset, portable Wifi, MP3 players, 3D Glasses etc) at fastest possible speed.
This charger charges tablets at 2 Amps and most phones at 1 Amps current !!
This results in fastest possible charging of your device.

Compact Travel Friendly Body:
Charger is very compact and has flip down AC prongs for easy carrying on travel.

Optimal iPad/iPod/iPhone Device Charging:
Charger is designed to for maximum charging speed of all Apple
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Tablet Support:
One of the only charger that support widest range of tablets
It includes (but not limited to) Samsung Galaxy Tab,
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Android Rapid Charging:
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USB Ports:
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will charge almost all devices including Apple & Android devices.
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devices (including iPad) but this port supports legacy/old Apple devices as well.
Port 4 (Universal/Samsung Optimized): This port is specifically designed to
charge Samsung devices. Other phones can be charged as well. Note that this port will not charge iPad.

Included Cables:
Two microUSB cables.
Use your own cables for other devices.

Not Compatible With:
Motorola Xoom Tablet, Some Blackberry phones

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18 novembre 2012

From the ADOT Archives: Dust Storm Warnings

Social media as we know it today simply did not exist when this photo was snapped in the summer of 1976.

Crews install a "dust storm
alert" sign on I-10 (6/2/76).
Back then, ADOT couldn’t utilize Twitter, Facebook or a blog to advise drivers of an impending dust storm, but the agency did have changeable message signs on I-8 and I-10 that were used to signal “Dust Storm Alerts” and refer drivers to the radio stations where dust storm advisories could be heard.

So, while there were no #HaboobHaikus being written in 1976 (at least that we know of), there was still a need – as there is today – for ADOT to communicate important safety messages with motorists.

Read more about ADOT's most recent dust storm communication efforts HERE.

17 novembre 2012

ADOT HAZMAT crews play important role in making the road safe

Crews clean the site after a major crash.
You already know that ADOT works alongside other emergency response agencies to clear the road after a major incident.

We’ve highlighted those efforts before here on the blog – for a quick refresher, click HERE or HERE

However, we have never really touched on the important role ADOT’s HAZMAT specialists play in making the road safe again for drivers.

That’s something we plan to remedy today…

First, let’s define what we’re talking about when we refer to hazardous materials.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, hazardous materials are substances that pose an unreasonable threat to the public and the environment (think explosives, flammable liquids, compressed gasses, etc.)  

Just because they’re labeled as a hazardous material, doesn’t necessarily mean these things can’t be transported. It does mean that some extra safety regulations must be adhered to by truck drivers and the companies moving these substances (the sheer number of safety considerations deems it too big a topic for just one blog post, so if you’re interested in learning more, check out the U.S. DOT webpage). 

Truck drivers transporting hazardous materials (as classified by law) are required to display a placard on the truck indicating how dangerous the load is.

So, what happens when a truck carrying hazardous materials crashes or turns over on one of the state’s roads?
It’s considered a major incident by ADOT HAZMAT Specialist Travis Qualls, who will typically respond to the scene no matter where it is in the state – Qualls says he sees roughly 20-30 major incidents a year.

During the initial emergency phase DPS HAZMAT agencies are in charge, per state law, but ADOT’s ALERT team and HAZMAT specialists (and other emergency responders) work right alongside the DPS crews.

When responding to a HAZMAT emergency situation, there’s a dual responsibility, according to Qualls.

“Our first thing is life safety – make sure that no one is in harm’s way,” he said. “Once that is taken care of we over see the environmental cleanup. We make sure the responsible parties clean it up.”

After the initial response, ADOT works to make sure the road and surrounding right of way gets cleaned up.

Whoever is responsible for the incident has to pay for the cleanup. Qualls works with the hired contractors to follow up and make sure the hazardous materials are removed. Depending on the type of incident, ADOT may need to issue permits for further cleanup days after the crash/spill.

How the ensuing cleanup proceeds hinges on a number of factors...

“It all depends on the situation. If the hazardous materials make it into the soil, it’s a different story. If it goes into a waterway than it’s a whole different story,” he said.

A recent cleanup, described by Qualls in this video, happened after a produce truck rolled on I-10. He explains in the video that the cleanup contractor hired by the responsible party used booms (big absorbent objects) to drag oil and fuel that had seeped into nearby retention basins down to a vacuum truck. Days later when the basins were dry, the contractors were required to come back to the scene and take soil samples for further testing. 

That’s an example of a fairly typical situation, but Qualls says he runs into all sorts of things on the job … from trucks with placarded HAZMAT loads to substances that are abandoned on the side of the road (used motor oil, unknown types of white powder and other materials have to be investigated and handled carefully).

One last thing…
Qualls advises drivers to play it safe when it comes to any materials out on the road. Whether it’s something left on the side of the road or the result of a crash, Qualls says it’s not worth putting your safety in jeopardy. Call 911 and get the proper people responding to the scene.

15 novembre 2012

Ensemble éclairage studio pro incluant 6 parapluie

Ensemble éclairage studio pro incluant 6 parapluie Ensemble de studio complet : 2 supports + 2 flash + 6 parapluies (2 x or, 2 x argent, 2 x blanc).

Nos lampes offrent un flux lumineux de haute intensité, elles sont rapidement prêtes pour le déclenchement suivant et bénéficient d'une longue durée de vie.

Le parapluie de couleur blanc vous permettra d'adoucir la lumière aussi bien pour tirer des portraits que pour photographier des natures mortes. Celui de couleur argenté vous permettra d'accentuer les tonalités froides et accentuera la brillance de vos sujets. Le parapluie de couleur or vous permettra d'accentuer les tonalités chaudes et accentuera également la brillance de vos sujets.

Ce flash de studio est un flash à commande simplifiée, il convient aussi bien aux photographes professionnels qu'aux débutants. Les réglages peuvent être faits facilement via l'interface se situant à l'arrière du produit.

Changer la puissance du flash est devenu très facile et il peut être utilisé aussi bien en éclairage principal qu'en éclairage latéral.

Le flash se déclenche via le bouton de test, grâce au cordon de synchronisation et par une touche sur le boîtier directement.

Les trépieds ont des attaches filetées universelles (0,25 pouce) appropriées pour tous les appareils analogiques et numériques. Ils peuvent alors également être utilisés en tant que support de lampe ou d'appareil photo.

Caractéristiques techniques des trépieds :
En aluminium donc léger et facile à transporter.
Hauteur variable entre 78 cm et 210 cm.

Caractéristiques techniques des lampes :
Puissance du flash: 120 W.
Niveaux de puissance : 1 / 8-1 / 1.
Numéro de guides: 38.
Capteur de photo intégré.
Signal sonore pour la recharge.
Équipé d'une protection thermique automatique.
Temps de charge: 0,5 - 2 secondes.
Angle d'inclinaison réglable.
Lampe 75 W.
Température de couleur : 5500°K (+/-200°K) .
Protection contre les surtensions 5A.

Total de livraison :
2 x parapluie blanc;2 x parapluie argent;2 x parapluie or (diamètre de 84 cm).
2 x flash de studio.
1x cordon de synchronisation de 3 mètres.
2 x cordon d'alimentation de 5 mètres.
2 x support de lampe.
1 x sac de transport.


14 novembre 2012

Grand Canyon Airport helps Marines deliver toys to Havasupai

By Ryan Harding
ADOT Office of Public Information

A different sight greeted the staff at the Grand Canyon National Park Airport on Dec. 3 when instead of tourist helicopters, two U.S. Marine Corps CH-46E Sea Knight helicopters landed to engage in their annual mission to deliver toys and food to members of the Havasupai Tribe who live at the bottom of the canyon.

This event, known as Operation Supai, has been conducted every year by Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 764 (HMM-764) based out of Edwards Air Force Base in California.

The Grand Canyon airport, owned and operated by the Arizona Department of Transportation, provides support to this Marine squadron every year by providing jet fuel, a temporary base of operations and local ground transportation before and during the mission. In past years when snowy conditions threatened the success of the operation, ADOT staff would plow the landing pads and runway so the squadron could still deliver goods to the tribe.

“The support ADOT provides is invaluable,” said Major Charles Nunally, executive officer and helicopter pilot for the squadron. “Without the support of the airport, we wouldn’t be able to do this mission.”

HMM-764 partners with the local Marine Toys for Tots program based in Flagstaff and St. Mary’s Food Bank every year to bring 150 bags of toys to over 100 children and 100 boxes of food and turkeys to the small, remote tribe. Their CH-46 helicopters allow them to deliver the goods down into the Grand Canyon where the Havasupai live. The Grand Canyon airport serves as a staging area to load goods and personnel and refuel the helicopters.

“This is the biggest day of the year for the tribe,” said Rick Wiselus, a Toys for Tots volunteer and board member on the Marine Corps League Charities. “The smiles on the kids’ faces are heartwarming. The airport is wonderful to us every year. They pull together to help us.”

Operation Supai began in 1995 when the Northern Arizona Marine Corps League requested a squadron to deliver goods to the Havasupai. HMM-764 was selected for the mission, and they have delivered goods every year for 17 years to the tribe which consists of around 300 people.

The Havasupai Reservation is remotely located near the southwest corner of the Grand Canyon National Park outside of the main park area. They are largely dependent on tourism as their primary source of revenue. This annual Marine operation is something the Havasupai have come to depend on every year.

“We are honored to help the Marines with this operation every year,” said Mike Halpin, Grand Canyon airport manager, who also served in the Marines as captain of an air wing. “This is an important event for the Havasupai and we are glad to provide support in any way we can.”

12 novembre 2012

Upcoming bridge removal means most tall trucks will be able to avoid detour through town

Many drivers may remember that ADOT demolished the old Marsh Station Bridge back in 2011 (in case you don’t recall, here’s a blog post to refresh your memory).

Crews took down that bridge because a new interchange had been built to accommodate taller traffic – the old Marsh Station Bridge had a clearance of only 15 feet, which was too low for most commercial trucks to clear. But, even after the Marsh Station Bridge demo, tall trucks still have had to maneuver a winding, two-lane, 67-mile detour because there’s another bridge that stands in the way.

However, that bridge – the Union Pacific Railroad Bridge – soon will come down, allowing the safe passage of most commercial trucks through the area.

The demo date is set for March 8 and the removal will require an overnight closure on I-10. We’ll blog more about the closure soon, but for today we wanted to focus on how the completion of this project will impact a community…

The small town of Sonoita sits along that 67-mile detour and has had to endure a lot of the truck traffic unable to travel on I-10.

“It was a large impact on the county and our road system,” says Cochise County Supervisor Richard Searle in the video above. “Now the removal of the railroad bridge is going to make it a lot better for Cochise County.”

Local business owner Karyl Wilhelm echoes his comments.

“We feel, in this community, this is going to be a much better, more improved system to not have the oversized loads on our little two-lane highway,” she says.

More on the project
The Union Pacific Railroad Bridge removal is part of a $17.2 million improvement project, which also includes the following features:
  • Construction of two new bridges at Cienega Creek. The new bridges will be higher than the existing bridges to ensure that the highway is not impacted by water flowing in Cienega Creek during heavy rains. 
  • Bank protection for Cienega Creek. The construction includes a new retaining wall, new drainage and safety features, and salvaging and replanting the existing natural landscaping.
  • Reconstruction and realignment of the westbound lanes of I-10 and reconstruction of the eastbound lanes of I-10. Road realignment will allow for the construction of a widened median that will enhance safety and lessen traffic impacts when the project is complete. 

The project schedule is subject to change due to a variety of reasons, including weather, availability of materials, and mechanical difficulties. ADOT advises drivers to proceed through or near work zones with caution, slow down, and be alert for construction equipment and personnel.

For more information regarding this project or local access, please visit www.azdot.gov/i10marshstation or contact the ADOT Project Information Line at 1.855.712.8530.

Arizona AMBER Alert commemorates 10 years

Hard to believe, but 10 years have passed since the first AMBER Alert was issued in Arizona…

In that time, 70 AMBER Alerts have been issued in the state and all but one – the ongoing Jhessye Shockley case – were resolved successfully through a partnership between local radio and television broadcasters, law enforcement, the Arizona Department of Public Safety, the Arizona Department ofTransportation and the public.

AMBER, which stands for “America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response,” was launched in Arizona in 2002 as part of a nationwide push to establish the safety net.

The activation system uses the Emergency Alert System as the backbone through all local radio and televisions in the state. Pertinent information also is posted over Arizona highways on Dynamic Message Signs and on az511.gov by ADOT.

AMBER Alerts are sent quickly utilizing email and text messaging. The oversight committee is comprised of law enforcement and representatives from the Governor’s Office, the Arizona Broadcasters Association and the Attorney General’s Office.

“This is a partnership-based system that relies on collaboration between the public and private sectors, as well as interest from members of the community” said Art Brooks, president and CEO of the Arizona Broadcasters Association, who chairs the Arizona AMBER Alert oversight committee. “Thankfully, Arizona has had a positive record in recovering abducted children – that’s a trend we expect to continue into the future.”

The Arizona Department of Public Safety is a key partner in the operation of the AMBER Alert system. The DPS duty office is specifically tasked with operating AMBER Alert.

Before an AMBER Alert notification is issued, law enforcement agencies must be able to answer key questions, including: Is this an abduction of a child under the age of 18? Does the abduction pose an immediate credible threat of serious bodily injury or death to the child? Are detectives convinced the child is not a runaway and the abduction is not the result of a child custody dispute?

Knowing that time is of the essence in child abduction cases, DPS-trained personnel work with reporting police agencies to make sure that if an AMBER Alert is issued, the most accurate information is put out.

“DPS officers take their role very seriously in their operation of the AMBER Alert system. In the past 10 years, this has been an important tool in the investigation of child abduction cases. We commend our partners, the Arizona Broadcasters Association, the Arizona Department of Transportation and the Governor’s Office in making AMBER Alert a successful statewide program that directly links law enforcement with the community,” said Robert Halliday, director of the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

About the AMBER Alert System
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, since its creation in 1996, the AMBER Alert program has helped to find and safely recover more than 490 abducted children. Today, all 50 states have AMBER Alert plans.

On Jan. 13, 1996, Amber Hagerman was abducted and murdered. The AMBER Alert network was created after her tragic death. AMBER Alerts are emergency messages broadcast when a law enforcement agency determines that a child has been abducted and is in imminent danger. The broadcasts include information about the child and abductor that could lead to the child’s recovery, such as physical description and information about the abductor’s vehicle.

The AMBER Alert program began in 1996 when Dallas-Fort Worth broadcasters teamed up with local police to develop an early warning system to help find abducted children.

For more information on Arizona’s AMBER Alert system, visit www.AZAmberAlert.org.

11 novembre 2012

Jabra CRUISER 2 Bluetooth In-Car Speakerphone

  • Bluetooth-enabled, in-car speakerphone for safe hands-free calling while driving
  • Acoustically optimized design with Noise Blackout dual microphones and a powerful speaker
  • Connect it to your car radio with the FM transmitter and transmit your music and calls to your car speakers
  • Advanced MultiUse allows you to have two active connections at the same time
  • Downloads your phonebook and tells you who is calling

List Price: $99.99
Get this month Special Offer: check this out!

Related Products


The Jabra CRUISER2 Bluetooth in-car speakerphone makes hands-free in-car calls even easier. To start with, its voice gives you simple pairing instructions the first time you turn it on. After that you just put it on your sun-visor and it connects automatically with your mobile phone every time. It will even synchronize with your phonebook, enabling the CRUISER2 to say the names of the contacts in your phonebook when they call.

The easier way to talk hands-free while driving .

When you answer, Jabra's Noise Blackout technology and a dual microphone system ensure the conversation always sounds just right. And you won't run out of charge because its voice will tell you when it needs more power. It's also equipped with an FM Transmitter and A2DP Bluetooth profile, which allow you to stream your music from your phone to the car stereo.

Key Features Acoustically optimized design with Noise Blackout dual microphones and a powerful speaker Easy to install. Pair to your phone and place on your sun visor. Then you are ready to drive responsibly Connect it to your car radio with the FM transmitter and transmit your music and calls to your car speakers Play music from your Bluetooth device using A2DP Advanced MultiUse allows you to have two active connections at the same time and switch between them whenever you please. Downloads your phonebook and tells you who is calling Dedicated mute button and large easy to access volume controls Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR technology Auto-pairing accompanied by audible pairing instructions for no-nonsense set-up Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR technology Jabra Discreet Light feature--the light indicator (LED) does not continually flash and you can turn it completely off in night drive mode Features answer/end, redial and voice dial (phone dependent) In-car cigarette lighter adapter charger with disconnectable USB cable so you can also charge it from your PC Up to 14 hours talk time and up to 20 days of standby time See a schematic image of all controls Pairing the In-Car Speakerphone with Your Phone When you turn on your Jabra CRUISER2 for the first time, the in-car speakerphone will automatically start up in pairing mode and begin to tell you what to do next Activate Bluetooth on the phone Press 'Yes' or 'OK' on the phone and confirm with PIN code 0000 (4 zeros) Your phone will confirm when the pairing is complete For later pairing: Turn your in-car speakerphone on. Press and hold the answer/end button until the Connection Status Icon light is flashing blue and the pairing instructions begins Install It In Your Car

After you have successfully paired you phone (or phones) to your Jabra CRUISER2, use the metal clip on the back of the in-car speakerphone to attach it to your sun visor. That's all the installation needed. You are now ready to drive responsibly.

Jabra CRUISER 2 Bluetooth Speakerphone - CellXpo.com The Jabra CRUISER2 Bluetooth in-car speakerphone makes hands-free in-car calls even easier. To start with, its voice gives you simple pairing instructions the ... Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Jabra CRUISER 2 Bluetooth In-Car ... 5 stars. "Jabra cruiser 2 vs Motorola Roadster" After reading all the reviews, I initially went with the Motorola Roadster. I liked that it had the ability to read ... Jabra CRUISER2 Bluetooth In Car Speakerphone: Amazon.co.uk ... The Jabra CRUISER2 Bluetooth in-car speakerphone makes hands-free in-car calls even easier. To start with, its voice gives you simple pairing instructions the first ... Amazon.com: Jabra CRUISER 2 Bluetooth In-Car Speakerphone: Cell ... The Jabra CRUISER2 Bluetooth in-car speakerphone makes hands-free in-car calls even easier. To start with, its voice gives you simple pairing instructions the first ... Jabra Cruiser 2 Bluetooth In-Car Speakerphone Get the Jabra Cruiser 2 In-Car Speakerphone and stay connected while driving. You can make and receive calls from your car with the help of this Bluetooth speakerphone. Bluetooth In-Car Speakerphone, Jabra CRUISER A Bluetooth, in-car speakerphone that enables you to take hands-free calls and listen to music while on the road Review: Jabra Cruiser 2 Bluetooth Car Kit Speakerphone ... Article 7 hours ago Deal of the Day: Save 43% on the Incipio SILICRYLIC Hard Case for Bold 9930 and 9900 Jabra Cruiser Bluetooth Speakerphone review - Gadget - Trusted Reviews Jabra Cruiser Bluetooth Speakerphone Gadget review: We review the Jabra Cruiser in-car speakerphone, which features an FM transmitter and Bluetooth music playback ...

10 novembre 2012

Connect with ADOT through Facebook

Visit us at www.facebook.com/AZDOT.
We love using this blog to connect with you.

It’s a great tool for sharing project updates, educational series, videos and even the occasional top 10 list.

But, we also love our Facebook page and just wanted to make sure you know about it...

Over on the ADOT Facebook page you can find all sorts of photos, travel advisories, updates on ADOT/MVD services and a few fun challenges. (Think you know the state? We regularly ask our Facebook friends to test their knowledge of Arizona with our “Where in AZ??” series.)

It’s also a place where we get to have conversations and answer transportation questions from the public.

So, what are you waiting for? Go check it out – and maybe even “like” us if you haven’t already!

9 novembre 2012

Axxess Metra ASWC-1 Universal Steering Wheel Control Interface with New Micro B Connector (Black)

  • For Use with Radios Equipped with OE Steering Control Input (New technology that allows better communication with the vehicle)
  • Universal Steering Wheel Control Interface. Can be Used On Most Any Vehicle with Steering Wheel Controls
  • Retains OEM Steering Wheel Controls
  • Auto-Detects Many Vehicle Makes and Aftermarket Radios
  • Now updatable with a micro B connector, New led with dual colors to make it easier to read the diagnostic feedback

List Price: $79.99
Get this month Special Offer: check this out!

Related Products

Product Description
Finally, a simple solution to retaining the steering wheel controls of a vehicle when installing an aftermarket stereo. Introducing the Axxess ASWC, from Metra Electronics. This universal steering wheel interface is brand new for the 2010 line of Metra Axxess components and is designed to make the installers life much simpler. Unlike other steering wheel interfaces, the ASWC requires no manual programming. After making all the proper connections, this interface will automatically program itself with the new stereo and the vehicle. No more tedious programming of each button. The ASWC has a LED status light that will flash according to the programming and inform you when the sync is done. Its simple. Just plug it in and you are ready to go! Now installations can be faster, easier, and simpler! If you still prefer to do the programing manually, Axxess has left that as an option. No matter what type of vehicle or aftermarket stereo you are planning on installing, the ASWC has you covered! It is fully compatible with Pioneer, Sony, Alpine, Kenwood, Eclipse, JVC, and more. As long as the stereo has a wired steering wheel remote connection, the ASWC will connect and interface with the vehicle. Plus, the Metra ASWC is able to be updated. This means that the interface will never be out dated. For the simplest way to retain the steering wheel control in your car, choose the Axxess ASWC!

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8 novembre 2012

Poste à souder tig arc 160 DC + détendeur

Poste à souder tig arc 160 DC + détendeur Poste TIG neuf 160A dc


Alimentation : 230 volts
Tension réseau : +/- 10%
Fréquence : 50 - 60 Hz
Protection contre les surtensions : oui
Refroidissement : ventilateur
Gaz électrovanne : oui
Cycle de travail : 60% 130A / 100% 100A
Soudage Tig courant continu : 5A - 160A
Courant de soudage MMA: 5A - 125A
Ignition Tig : HF-haut
Impulsion de courant : 5 - 160A
Fréquence d'impulsion : 0,5 - 25Hz
Gaz de temps / Post gaz : 5 - 10 sec
Evanouissement gaz : 1/5 sec
Electrodes Tig utilisables : diam 1.6 à 3.6 mm
Electrodes enrobées : diam 1.6 à 3.2 mm
Classe d'isolation : F protection IP21S
Dimensions (L x ht x l) : 305 x 290 x 165 mm
Poids net : 9.8 kg

Contacter services commercial

04 26 07 78 19 / 06 49 85 08 71


soudage, soudure, tig, poste, arc , mig

7 novembre 2012

Looking for Da-Lite Tensioned 120" Diagonal Video Format Home Theater Electric Wall Screen with Pearlescent Fabric?

Da-Lite Tensioned 120" Diagonal Video Format Home Theater Electric Wall Screen with Pearlescent Fabric

Da-Lite Tensioned 120
Da-Lite's Contour electric screen was designed with the home theater in mind. With its stylish curved aluminum extruded case, available in either black or white finish, the Contour is a handsome addition to any installation. Seven veneer finishes for the front cover of the screen case create a warm and elegant look or choose the optional speaker system, unique to the Contour, that flank the ends of the case. Choose from tensioned or non-tensioned models that retract completely into case for a cl Read More >>

List Price: $ 2,735.00

And below is why i think all of you should buy this item :
  • Tensioned Contour with Pearlescent fabric, 110 volt motor and Integrated Video Projector Interface.
  • Electric Screen that Mounts on Wall or Ceiling. Screen is tensioned for an extra flat surface for optimum image quality. Tab guide cable system maintains even lateral tension to hold surface flat while custom slat bar with added weight maintains vertical tension.
  • Stylish curved aluminum extruded case. Adjustable mounting brackets make installation quick and easy. Built-in SCB-100 (RS-232 control), low voltage control or video projector interface are available options.
  • Pearlescent is a non-supported vinyl fabric, offering a higher degree of reflectivity and brilliance without loss of image quality or resolution. This surface is a good choice when producing video images with a lower output projector and where there is a high amount of ambient light present. Gain 1.5 with a 40-degree viewing half angle.

Special for our blog reader, get big discount and fast shipping for Da-Lite Tensioned 120" Diagonal Video Format Home Theater Electric Wall Screen with Pearlescent Fabric this month.

6 novembre 2012

ADOT report examines relationship between land use and congestion

The "Land Use and Traffic Congestion"
report can be found HERE.
ADOT’s Research Center recently published an interesting new report that takes a closer look at the relationships among land use, transportation and gridlock…

The report, “Land Use and Traffic Congestion,” which you can find HERE, makes a few important discoveries, including:
  • Residents of some higher-density neighborhoods in the Phoenix metropolitan area drive substantially less than similar residents who live in lower-density and automobile-dependent suburban neighborhoods. The study finds that urban dwellers drive about a third fewer daily miles than their suburban counterparts
  • Roadways in more compact, mixed and multimodal communities tend to be less congested. This is due to fewer vehicle trips, particularly for local errands, more travel by walking or the use of public transit, and because the more connected street networks offer more route options, so traffic is less concentrated on a few urban arterials. 
  • The report also shows that compact, mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly development has significant transportation benefits for communities  that’s important to note. Since most land use decisions happen at the local level, ADOT is stepping forward to build strong land use partnerships by engaging our local and regional partners and stakeholders, so decisions are made proactively and collaboratively. 

Moving forward…
This research report helps ADOT identify and define challenges and solutions surrounding land use. It also serves as a tool as ADOT moves forward to develop and implement Smart Transportation policies that will allow the agency to meet Arizona’s growing transportation needs.

“ADOT, like many state departments of transportation, recognizes the relationship between transportation and land use decisions,” said ADOT Director John Halikowski. “Through a concentrated effort to better link transportation planning and land use planning, we can support economic growth and create jobs, meet demand for quality of life and livability in communities, be better stewards of our natural environment, and manage our financial resources more efficiently.”

Visit the ADOT website for more on the study and check out the entire report on the ADOT Research Center web page.

5 novembre 2012

Will you buy Da-Lite 34542 34542 Advantage Tensioned Electrol Motorized Front Projection Screen - 60 x 96"?

Da-Lite 34542 34542 Advantage Tensioned Electrol Motorized Front Projection Screen - 60 x 96"

Da-Lite 34542 34542 Advantage Tensioned Electrol Motorized Front Projection Screen - 60 x 96
34542 Features: -Same great design as our Advantage Electrol except screen is tensioned for an extra flat surface for optimum image quality when using video or data projection..-Tab guide cable system maintains even lateral tension to hold surface flat while custom slat bar with added weight maintains vertical tension..-Front projection surfaces standard with black backing for opacity..-Standard with a Decora style three position wall switch..-For easy installation, the Tensioned Advantage is av Read More >>

List Price: $ 2,993.00

And below is why i think all of you should buy this item :
  • Tensioned Advantage with High Contrast Cinema Vision fabric and 110 volt motor.
  • Concealed-In-The-Ceiling Electric Screen. Patented in-the-roller motor mounting system for quiet operation.
  • Handsome finished white aluminum case provides a clean look and allows easy installation of ceiling tiles.
  • High Contrast Cinema Vision is designed for today's moderate output DLP and LCD home theater projectors. With its specially designed gray base surface and a reflective top surface, this screen material is able to provide very good black levels without sacrificing the white level output. Where ambient lighting is moderately controlled, High Contrast Cinema Vision offers deep life-like colors and greater detail and sharpness to the image. Gain 1.1 with a 50-degree viewing half angle.

Special for our blog reader, get big discount and fast shipping for Da-Lite 34542 34542 Advantage Tensioned Electrol Motorized Front Projection Screen - 60 x 96" this month.

4 novembre 2012

Looking for Da-Lite 72" Diagonal Video Format Home Theater Electric Wall Screen with Matte White Fabric?

Da-Lite 72" Diagonal Video Format Home Theater Electric Wall Screen with Matte White Fabric

Da-Lite 72
Da-Lite's Contour electric screen was designed with the home theater in mind. With its stylish curved aluminum extruded case, available in either black or white finish, the Contour is a handsome addition to any installation. Seven veneer finishes for the front cover of the screen case create a warm and elegant look or choose the optional speaker system, unique to the Contour, that flank the ends of the case. Choose from tensioned or non-tensioned models that retract completely into case for a cl Read More >>

List Price: $ 1,148.00

And below is why i think all of you should buy this item :
  • Contour with Matte White fabric, 110 volt motor and Integrated Video Projector Interface.
  • Wall and Ceiling Mounted Electric Screen. Stylish curved aluminum extruded case designed for wall or ceiling mount installations.
  • Adjustable mounting brackets make installation quick and easy. Built-in SCB-100 (RS-232 control), low voltage control or video projector interface are available options.
  • Matte White is one of the most versatile screen surfaces and a good choice for situations when presentation material is being projected and ambient light is controllable. Its surface evenly distributes light over a wide viewing area. Colors remain bright and life-like, with no shifts in hue. Gain 1.0 with a 50-degree viewing half angle.

Special for our blog reader, get big discount and fast shipping for Da-Lite 72" Diagonal Video Format Home Theater Electric Wall Screen with Matte White Fabric this month.

3 novembre 2012

MVD offers tips to consider when purchasing a vehicle

You’ve searched and searched for the perfect used car and now that you found one, you're ready to buy…

But did you know if you purchase a pre-owned vehicle with a lien, you are responsible for payment of that lien before you can transfer the title into your name?

That’s why it’s really important to find out about any and all liens prior to making that purchase...

A little background on financial liens
Financial liens appear on the front of a vehicle title, in the space marked “lienholders.” These are typically placed by a bank or other lending institution as the result of a loan made when the vehicle was purchased by the current owner.

Financial liens are generally on the title for a defined period of time. When they’re paid off, the vehicle owner receives a “lien release.” The owner may then take the lien release to an MVD office or an authorized third party office to obtain a new, clean title.

Note to buyers: it’s also acceptable for a seller to give you a signed and notarized title with a lien release from the lender (more on that later).

Other types of liens
There are additional types of liens that can be added (or deleted) electronically to a title at any time. These are not for a defined period of time and are NOT shown on the title.

For example, if a vehicle owner owes child support fees or court fines/fees, a lien can be placed on the vehicle record that prevents the title from being transferred to a new owner until those fines/fees are paid.

Of course, if the seller isn’t being honest with you (the buyer) and accepts your money for the vehicle without clearing the title, you would not be able to properly transfer the title into your name until the liens are paid.

How to protect yourself from purchasing a vehicle with a lien
First, look at the title to see if there is a lienholder recorded.

If there is, then the seller must have a notarized paid receipt (lien release) from the lienholder describing the vehicle, the name of the seller and the date and amount of the lien. The seller must give you the original paid receipt along with the title. Be sure to verify that all the information on the paid receipt matches the information on the title.

Whether there’s a lienholder listed on the title, or not, it’s always a good idea to ask the seller to go with you to MVD or an authorized Third Party office to transfer the title (many Third Party offices are open evenings and weekends).

One last tip: do NOT pay for the vehicle until you have verified the title can be transferred.

And remember, liens aren’t the only thing to look out for when purchasing a vehicle from a private seller. Over on the MVD web page there’s a whole list of situations to be aware of when purchasing your next pre-owned vehicle.

Will you buy Da-Lite 89908 89908 Cosmopolitan Electrol Projection Screen - 58 x 104"?

Da-Lite 89908 89908 Cosmopolitan Electrol Projection Screen - 58 x 104"

Da-Lite 89908 89908 Cosmopolitan Electrol Projection Screen - 58 x 104
89908 Features: -Ideal for applications where a recessed installation is not desired or feasible..-Patented in-the-roller motor mounting system for quiet operation..-Tab guide cable system maintains even lateral tension to hold surface flat while custom slat bar with added weight maintains vertical tension..-Handsome black painted case blends with any decor..-Standard with a Decora style three position wall switch..-Optional Floating Mounting Bracket allows screen to be mounted onto wall or ceil Read More >>

List Price: $ 2,169.00

And below is why i think all of you should buy this item :
  • Tensioned Cosmopolitan with High Contrast Cinema Vision fabric and 110 volt motor.
  • Electric Screen that Mounts on Wall or Ceiling. Screen is tensioned for an extra flat surface for optimum image quality. Tab guide cable system maintains even lateral tension to hold surface flat while custom slat bar with added weight maintains vertical tension.
  • Handsome black case blends with any decor. Ideal for applications where a recessed installation is not desired or feasible. Patented in-the-roller motor mounting system for quiet operation.
  • High Contrast Cinema Vision is designed for today's moderate output DLP and LCD home theater projectors. With its specially designed gray base surface and a reflective top surface, this screen material is able to provide very good black levels without sacrificing the white level output. Where ambient lighting is moderately controlled, High Contrast Cinema Vision offers deep life-like colors and greater detail and sharpness to the image. Gain 1.1 with a 45-degree viewing half angle.

Special for our blog reader, get big discount and fast shipping for Da-Lite 89908 89908 Cosmopolitan Electrol Projection Screen - 58 x 104" this month.

1 novembre 2012

3 landscape maintenance tasks regularly performed by ADOT crews that you might not know about

If you liked this list we shared last month, you’re in luck today…

That’s because we have a similar one to show you. Except instead of focusing on electrical maintenance tasks, this list examines landscape maintenance and three related responsibilities ADOT crews regularly tackle that you may not know about…

1) Landscape care and maintenance
Many people might not realize that ADOT crews handle landscape maintenance at all, so let us first define a few of the basic duties.

In the Phoenix district alone, there are 220 miles of landscaped areas that sit adjacent to the ADOT freeway system.

Crews care for the plants and irrigation systems. They also have to worry about weed control, erosion, slope repair, graffiti abatement and litter.

Then there’s the land along the state highway system that’s not landscaped. These spaces are typically in the state’s rural areas and contain natural vegetation. ADOT crews maintain the native vegetation to make sure it doesn’t interfere with the roadways. That general maintenance includes weed control, mowing and basic upkeep – there is no irrigation to be maintained in these areas.

2) Dealing with technology
“Every single plant out there (within ADOT’s landscaped areas) has an irrigation emitter and buried underground are miles and miles of pipes that bring water out to those plants,” said ADOT Roadside Maintenance Manager Mark Schalliol.

He explains that the emitters are “complicated pieces of plastic” controlled through a radio network that allows ADOT crews to water plants remotely.

The system also gives Schalliol and his crews the ability to conserve water and quickly tell if an area is being overwatered.

“We have an extensive formula for watering plants,” he said. “We’re conscious of the water.”

Newer technology is being incorporated into projects where appropriate, said Schalliol, explaining how moisture sensors are now being used on two recent landscape projects. These sensors are activated by soil moisture and allow ADOT to monitor and control irrigation in response to soil conditions, irrigation and precipitation.

“We are trying these out as another way to monitor and control irrigation,” he said.

3) Landform graphics
Crews from the ADOT Landscape Section take care of all the landform graphics, too.

“Our biggest issue with those is when errant vehicles drive off the roadway,” Schalliol said.

Besides making sure the graphics keep their shape, crews spray regularly for weed control.

“People don’t like looking at weeds,” he says.

There’s more…
This is not an exhaustive list of all the maintenance duties performed by the ADOT Landscape Section crews, but, like with our last list, we hope it gives you a better look at some of the “unseen” tasks being performed by our crews every day.